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Fitness Tips

Living a healthy lifestyle, staying strong and active is a mind-set. Our motto: 'Mind over Matter'. You can achieve anything. Stay strong and focused and with the right guidance you will meet your goal
Fitness Coach

10 Things to Know Before Attempting to Build Muscle

What gives someone the right to teach exercise?  Beware from those trainers that claim to know a lot but yet cannot get you the results you want.  Just because they use the words “anatomical” and “its physiology” doesn't mean they have the slightest clue what they're talking about.

Or “teaching someone the basics first”. Some guys don't have the first clue what “basics” for exercise should be.

Ben Pakulski and Dr. Jacob Wilson don't claim to know it all, and never will but for your own safety and for the sake of making progress,

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3002 Hits

Could A Personal Trainer Be A Smarter Solution To Fitness?


gaining strengthThere is nothing better than when your eyes fill with sweat. Lying on your back, gasping for breath, utterly exhausted. Mission accomplished, exclaims your personal trainer.

There is however, a slight misconception that this is what fitness needs to be and it’s how we achieve the body of our dreams. If you’re a career professional who balances career with wellbeing, your training programming needs to evolve past the old ‘flog and log’ model we constantly see.

Athletes vs Regular Trainers

Athletes and those professionally fit, such as personal trainers and models, have lifestyle priorities that maximise return on their physical performance. Priorities dictate that time be spent on adequate nutrition, rest, mobility and rehabilitation work – all choices geared to enable a high physical output.

For many that inundate social media, they are also in their physical peak, that is, the 18-30-year-old group. Those that are fit as a professional have different priorities and commitments than those of the corporate professional.

As a young gent, competition and physicality is built into our DNA. However, as a young corporate professional, striving to earn more and improve one’s trained abilities, our competitive focus and lifestyle priorities change.

Trappings Of A Corporate Routine

Mental performance day-in-day-out within an office environment, coupled with social lives, means rest, rehab and nutrition often take a back seat to the economics of the office.

Changing our focus from a physical to a mental performance means we need to change the way we see our exercise regime.

Due to the nature of a career lifestyle, be it sitting for 10-plus hours a day, late nights working, social drinking, chronic stress, or skipping meals for meetings, our body reacts differently to exercise.

We don’t recover as quickly. We get tighter through the hips, back and shoulders and our cells use energy differently.

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3790 Hits
Larry Flowers

Find the Right Personal Trainer


  How to Find the Right Personal Trainer in North Carolina

NC Personal Trainers

A fitness professional normally called personal trainer or fitness coach is a trained professional fitness trainer or instructor.  The personal trainer is knowledgeable in exercise and training.  A good personal trainer will motivate their clients to set goals and help them meet those goals. Its suggested that before hiring a personal trainer the person should ask about credentials to ensure they are receiving appropriate training and instructions.  A personal trainer will provide proper feedback and accountability to clients.

Before beginning any training session or training plan, a trainer will measure a client's strengths and weaknesses to perform a fitness NC How to find the right personal trainer in North Carolinaassessments. Fitness assessments can also be performed before and after an exercise program to measure a client's improvement.  A qualified personal trainer should let their client know of their area of expertise.  They must refer the client to the proper health professional for prior clearance.

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